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boiled peanuts

Since 1907, peanuts have been roasted in the building on Morris Avenue in downtown Birmingham where the Alabama Peanut Company now operates. But the current owners, Jaime Thursby and his brother-in-law Darrell Graf, also are specialists in one uniquely Southern snack: boiled peanuts. A bubbling-cauldron team for some seven years, they’ve developed more than 100 recipes and flavor combinations along the way. After starting out mostly at Birmingham-area farmers markets, they took over the historic peanut roastery in 2018.

Boiling goobers is a 10- to 12-hour process, which Alabama Peanut Company does six days a week. Two regular flavors—Traditional Salt and spicy Alabama Cajun—are joined by a rotation of one or two “flavors of the day,” Thursby says. The daily flavor might carry a jalapeño pepper kick, combine lime with Sriracha sauce, or taste like a taco. Some utilize Alabama products like Wickles pickles, Dreamland barbecue sauce, Dale’s Seasoning, and Milo’s sweet tea. 

A 32-ounce cup of boiled peanuts is $7 for either standard flavor, and $1 more for a daily special. A 16-ounce cup is $5/$6. The store is open with a limited capacity, but curbside pickup is available. Delivery, including peanut platters, is available within roughly a 20-mile radius. The company ships roasted peanuts, but not boiled. 

Here’s what Thursby says about some of their most popular boiled peanut flavors:

Alabama Cajun: Jalapeño peppers provide an extra kick. “All of our seasonings are made in-house. It’s probably our No. 1 flavor. It took us a long time to develop it but we’ve got it down now.”  

Collard Green: “We basically cook the collard greens like you would at home, then we boil them with the peanuts. They’re delicious. You get a little of the collards mixed in with the boiled peanuts.”

boiled peanuts

Alabama Peanut Company/Facebook

Milo’s Sweet Tea: The peanut boil includes the local hamburger chain’s quintessential tea. “We add some of our Alabama spices to it. It’s got a sweet-heat salty flavor that’s really nice.”

Dreamland: “We do it for Fourth of July and other holidays. We actually go over there and they hook us up with a batch of Dreamland sauce.”

Tangy Gold Barbecue: “That’s more of a Carolina vinegar-based barbecue sauce.”

Dill Pickle Ranch: “Dill pickle flavor is a really popular one. It’s got a nice tangy and salty flavor. We add Ranch seasoning to it. Everybody loves Ranch.” (Other variations mix dill pickles with jalapeño peppers, ghost peppers, barbecue sauce, and salt.) 
