(Birmingham Southern-College/Contributed)

From the outside, Birmingham-Southern College looks like a thriving college community—and it is. But it’s not until you visit campus that you really experience the heart of BSC. To paint a mental picture, walking around BSC you’ll see charming brick buildings, lively residence halls, and students bustling to and from class and extracurriculars. Birmingham-Southern is a tight-knit community that thrives on purpose, connection, caring, creativity, leadership, and confidence. They pride themselves on providing their students a college experience as wonderful and rare as the gingko trees that cover the campus. In fact, gingkoes symbolize longevity and profound endurance, which translates to the college’s strong legacy of students and faculty.

With more than 90 percent of students living on campus, it goes without saying that Birmingham-Southern goes above and beyond for its residents. BSC believes the residence hall is more than just a place to sleep, but rather a place to build relationships and invest in the college experience. Monthly resident community events, movie nights, outdoor games and competitions, costume contests, potluck dinners, and guided discussions are just a few ways BSC seeks to foster the on-campus community.

(Birmingham Southern-College/Contributed)

“Since we have a small population with various student organizations, there’s always something going on,” says Emanuel Boudreaux, President of ResLife University. “Our students are heavily involved in extracurricular activities and programs. I believe this is the heart of our campus community.”

Birmingham-Southern College offers more than 7 housing options for freshmen and upperclassmen. “Our fraternity housing, also known as ‘Greek Row,’ is one of the main attractions for campus life regarding entertainment and social interaction,” Boudreaux says.

Birmingham-Southern’s campus environment allows students to embrace who they are and who they will become with the full support and guidance from staff and fellow students. The benefits of living on campus are numerous and can help set students up for success. Plus, the ease and convenience of being on campus encourages students to fully engage in academics and community. The campus is in a prime location near downtown Birmingham, a hub for plenty of activities for college students, including fantastic restaurants, concert venues, and recreational activities.

(Birmingham Southern-College/Contributed)

“It is now tradition to live on campus, and with such a close community, you will experience fellowship, engagement, and everything our campus has to offer,” Boudreaux says. Birmingham-Southern is a place of personal development, competitive academics, and deep care for every single one of its students.

When asked what she would want the rest of the state to know about Birmingham-Southern, Dana Bekurs, Associate Dean of Students, says “We are a hidden gem, a place where students can really become who they want to become, live the college life that they want to live. I hope we continue to get students like we have now. Students who are excited to be in college, respect a liberal arts education, and are inquisitive about their academic endeavors. Students who leave our college become adults who will thrive in the world.”