(Randall Porter/Contributed)
“I thought people would find me boring, and judge me or that my life would become boring.”
Sober sex, dating, and owning my craft… Things I have denied myself due to my overindulgence in alcohol. Let me start this by saying, this is not a piece about judgment on people who drink or about steps to sobriety at all (I am still going to enjoy a spicy margarita). Regardless, I want to step into living my life with less alcohol and more fully awake and I want to invite you guys along on this journey. With a new lens you may discover things differently or learn something about yourself or others.
“The version of you that you are right now is why you have what you have. You have to make a complete identity switch to get something different.”
My friends ask what my word for 2023 is. A few came to mind that I wish to carry into this year: Creativity. Intention. Consistency. Connection but the word I want to reign over all is PEACE. Putting myself first. Not taking everything personally. Not caring about others’ opinions. Not second guessing myself. I really want to own those things and to be at peace with my decisions, as well as forge a deeper connection to my mind and body this year. Here is how I plan to do that:
- Acknowledge what I am not. This is the flip side of “standing for something.” It is just as important to know what you do not wish to become.
- We need change in order to challenge ourselves and keep life exciting. Whether it be a new style or just doing something differently to pull you out of a rut. You can’t be the same person expecting different results.
- Revive. Build Up. Strengthen. Whether it’s relationship with your health (fitness), spirituality, or friendships, schedule and take the time to foster. You make time for things that are important to you. And they don’t have to be mutually exclusive. They can coexist.
“Don’t diet. Get sunshine, build strength & laugh often.”
Here are some other ways to start your new year off right:
GET OUT. GET SOCIAL: Join a non-profit organization like Young Professionals of Birmingham or enjoy the culture being brought to the Magic City with the Broadway In Birmingham Series coming to the BJCC.
FORGET DRY. SWEAT JANUARY IS IN: New year, new possibilities. Try doing something like boxing at Battle Republic (sign up and get your first class free) or take a Hit & Strength Class at The Fit Facility to reach your fitness goals.
I’m proud to share that I found strength in trying to fall somewhere on the spectrum of living a more fully awake life in 2023 aiming for peace. I’d like to add that it may change as time progresses, and that’s OK too. This journey is not linear and I don’t want anyone to feel that there is an A+B=C formula to the complexities of finding peace within yourself.