(Birmingham Botanical Gardens/Contributed)
Flowers and plants bloom during all seasons at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, but its during the fall when the 67-acre urban garden truly comes alive. Each autumn, the garden draws visitors from across the South and beyond for the annual Antiques at the Gardens event. The premier antique show includes four days of design-focused discussion, demonstrations and panels by celebrated interior designers, floral designers, architects, landscape architects, and furniture designers.
This year’s event will take place from Thursday, September 29 through Sunday, October 2 and include shops from 22 antique dealers selling everything from fine art and furniture to vintage jewelry, rugs, textiles, home décor, and garden accessories. In addition to the 22 dealers, the weekend will bring in 12 speakers for lectures and demonstrations offering their unique expertise on everything from floral to interior design. Friday will include lectures from world-renowned designer Ken Fulk and floral designer Lewis Miller. Saturday’s Veranda panel will feature interior designers Brandon Ingram, Stephen Sills, and Summer Thornton, along with landscape architect Janice Parker. Sunday’s House Beautiful panel will feature Birmingham talent including interior designer Betsy Brown, architect Jeffrey Dungan, and furniture maker Grant Trick. As the Gardens biggest fundraiser each year, all proceeds from event ticket sales will go toward ensuring the Gardens remain a city treasure and asset to the community for years to come.

James Farmer (Birmingham Botanical Gardens/Contributed)
“Antiques at the Gardens celebrates the power of design, the wisdom in antiquity, the beauty of nature, and the ways they speak to one another,” says Tom Underwood, executive director of the nonprofit Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. “Now in its 16th year, the show brings noteworthy design influencers, home and garden style icons, and nationally known antiques dealers to Birmingham Botanical Gardens to inspire and remind us that time-honored pieces—much like our favorite garden spaces—are made beautiful by the freshness they find in each new season.”
For Sunday host author and designer James Farmer of Perry, Georgia, attending Antiques at the Gardens is a tradition he won’t soon abandon.
“I’m excited to return to Birmingham for Antiques at the Gardens as it always feels like I’m coming home,” Farmer says. “Birmingham is the finest town with even finer folks, the hospitality is outstanding, the Gardens are lovely in the fall, and the camaraderie is unparalleled. What’s truly special about this show is that ‘Birmingham magic’ of complementary elements. Finery meets everyday comfort, gorgeous gardens, and exquisite antiques, delicious food, and fabulous flowers—all in a town that graciously and proudly serves it up.”
General admission tickets, as well as tickets to each speaking event and the Thursday night Gala in the Gardens are available for purchase at bbgardens.org.