Fans of the hit show “Ted Lasso” have a new way to enjoy the hit streaming program when its third season begins on March 15. Jeni’s Ice Cream has rolled out a limited-edition flavor called Biscuits with the Boss, which pays tribute to a running theme in the show in which the main character delivers a daily tin of “biscuits” (we call them shortbread cookies) to share with his boss.
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March 5, 2023
It’s no secret: Birmingham takes food very seriously. Fancy or simple, it must be great to pass muster in the Magic City. Several food festivals this spring reflect the metro area’s longstanding cultural and religious diversity. Two events in April are held by a local Maronite Catholic congregation that dates back more than a century, and the Levite Jewish Community center (Birmingham’s earliest synagogues date to 1889, 1903, and 1907). The Birmingham Taco Fest honors what is arguably one of Birmingham’s favorite casual foods. Mexican-style taquerias, Tex-Mex restaurants, and even suburban adaptations have proliferated with the growth of the Mexican-American population across Alabama in recent decades. Sample the best of Birmingham’s restaurants, or chow down on chili for a cause. Work your way down this list in March, April, and May and gain a greater appreciation for the melting pot that feeds metro Birmingham.
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March 3, 2023